Thursday, March 5, 2015

Fly Me To France

Good morning gorgeous, happy foodies!
Today was deemed a snow day by the University, so instead of being a normal college kid and staying up until 3 in the morning watching Netflix...I woke up at 6 am and worked out, then had a FANTASTIC breakfast ~foodie style~
Achieving perfect golden brown is only half the battle...
simmering raspberries

before compote...
after compote :)

Mom's French Toast
(1 serving version)
** mom likes to "guesstimate" so all measurements are extremely flexible

2 slices of big bread (not that limp sandwich type bread- 
Texas toast or I used Whole Foods multi seed bread)
2 eggs (with yolks!)
1 tsp cinnamon
splash of vanilla 
4-5 Tbsp of nonfat milk
2 Tbsp powdered sugar

Heat up a small pan on low - medium heat. Whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla, cinnamon and then submerge a slice of bread into the mixture. once it is completely soaked, place in the pan and cook until eggs are cooked. Once removed from pan, sprinkle one Tbsp of powdered sugar on top. Repeat for the second slice. [My mom always just cooked up any extra egg mixture to eat with our toast. It's very weird and sweet but something fun I always do.]

I also topped mine with a raspberry compote:
1 cup of raspberries
3-4 Tbsp of granulated sugar

Cook on medium heat until thick and smelling good. simmer on low heat until it reaches desired consistency. Top French toast!
(Compotes are a great way to sweeten French toast if you don't want to use syrup. Or if you do. I often use both cause I have an AWFUL sweet tooth, but hey there are worse things.)

My workout today wasn't extraordinary, since I'm still getting over being sick a little bit. But it still feels great to get up early and get that blood pumping! To be completely honest, I ran out of coffee last night and it was wayyy to cold this morning to venture out of my apartment complex, so I used exercise as my coffee replacement (not totally the same, but it works). Stay warm out there, foodies, and try something new today! xoxo

[written while feasting on french toast and watching House of Cards]

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