When the decision is made to actively start exercising and taking care of your body, the first question that comes to mind is - how? How often do I work out? What do I eat? Do I have to be a vegan or something? Can I still have ice cream? Do I have to go to the gym? I hate gyms. Do I have to run? Running makes my ass jiggle.
STOP!! The answer to all these questions is simple - do what you love, and eat everything in moderation. If you hate running, don't run. Dance, bike, lift weights, swim, whatever you want. The food part -that's a whole other conversation for another time. But here's where you can get started with the whole "working out" thing:

Sweat every single day.
The easiest way to start taking care of your body is to make it a lifestyle. Even if it's only a 20 minute power walk, or sun salutations in the morning before work - sweat every day. If you're sweating, your body is WORKING.
But give your body rest days - at LEAST 1 day a week and at MOST 2. 
Rest days are hard for me because I'm slightly addicted to running...but it's important to give your muscles time to rest and your body time to recover - when you work hard, you get to rest hard. :)
Try weight training!
I never liked gyms. I had no idea how to lift weights or whatever the hell else people did in those big scary buildings every day. But now, I've seen the light. Gyms are magical places. I was a distance runner in high school, but hit a wall with my times. I just could NOT improve. Then, the summer before college, I wanted to be sexy little thing. You know. So I looked up some basic weight lifting moves on YouTube and started working on my legs and core. Ever since then, I am stronger, faster, sexier, and much more confident. You have to build your muscles if you want to grow! Just try it. Even a few days a week makes a difference.
Drink water.
You know how 70% of the world is water? And how our bodies are also, like, mostly water? And how you die in the wilderness after 3 days of no water? And how showers are the best things ever (ok, kind of irrelevant)? Water is the ultimate source of lubrication in the body. It allows your muscles and organs and everything to work smoothly. However much weight that you lose in sweat in a workout, you must replace with water. [2 cups of water for every pound lost] Hydrating before a workout is just as important as hydrating after, as well. If you want to be at optimum speed, power, and strength, trust me on this one. It's important.
Have fun.
It sounds so so so lame, but as soon as exercising and eating becomes a chore, it has lost all of it's magic powers. Stress, sadness, and lack of sleep are all terrible for the body. So as long as your workout and your dinner are happy highlights of your day, you will look and feel amazing.

So what do I do?
Everyone is different - but here's what a week in my shoes looks like.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Work on legs at the gym, pair with some sort of HIIT workout or yoga class.
Tuesday: Back and bicep strengthening at the gym, paired with a medium length run of 4 miles or so.
Thursday: Triceps and shoulder strengthening at the gym, paired with a medium length run of 4 miles or so.
Saturday: LONG RUN! :) my favorite day of the week. usually around 8 miles.
Sunday: rest.

Of course, things move around and school shifts my schedule a little- but this is what makes me happy. Use it as a guideline if you'd like, and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training - and it might be magic. It is, in my opinion, the best fat burner there is. These workouts take a lot of motivation, so try them out with a friend so you can push each other to reach your goals. I recommend a HIIT workout 2 - 3 times a week in addition to other cardio and light weight lifting.

I like to unoriginally call this one, "30 on 15 off", and will usually finish it off with a 10 minute jog.

jumping jacks - 30 sec
standing squats - 15 sec
burpees - 30 sec
push ups - 15 sec
jump squats - 30 sec
calf raises - 15 sec
split jumps - 30 sec
step back lunges - 15 sec
jumping jacks - 30 sec
standing stationary high knees - 15 sec
burpees - 30 sec
arm circles - 15 sec

I repeat this sequence 4 times (for a very manageable 20 minute work out), with a 1 - 2 minute water break in between each set. If this timing is too difficult for you right now, try the same workout but with 20 seconds on, 10 off. Any variation is fine - as long as you really push yourself hard during the "on" part. It is the process of getting your heart rate way up, resting in a lower intensity move, and jumping back into a heart rate raising move that will burn the most fat!
ps. If you're sweating, like, a TON, you're doing it right. Great job.

Just another HIIT sequence I like to do if you're looking for a little variation! Any of these moves can have reps added or similar moves subbed in to better facilitate your work out. It's your body - listen and do what's best for it! :)

30 sec high knees
**note: the high knees, split jumps, and butt kicks are your high intensity CARDIO intervals so really push yourself!! Get that heart rate pumping to burn as much fat as possible.

10 squat jumps
10 push ups
10 tuck jumps
20 mountain climbers
30 sec split jumps
30 jumping jacks
10 standing squats
10 push ups
20 crunches (or abs of choice)
30 sec butt kicks

Hey, guys! So here's a good HIIT workout for those of you with minimal time for burning fat. I call it my "5-10 Minute Kicker":
The reason it's a " 5 - 10" minutes is because I sometimes run through it twice. Enjoy!!

1 minute warm up of any kind (i just hop around in a sort of "boxer" shuffle)
30 jumping jacks
10 push ups
30 seconds high knees
10 burpees
15 crunches
15 squats
30 crunches
30 jumping jacks
10 push ups
30 split jumps

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